Mircoorganisms and Antibiotics

A microorganism is a small invisible to the naked eye organism. All microorganisms can be divided into three kingdoms:

  1. Fungi and protozoa;
  2. Prokaryotes;
  3. Viruses

Bacteria are the largest group of microorganisms. Most of them are saprophytes, which have no negative effect, they are just a part of the cycle of matter in nature. But there is a large group of pathogenic species which cause various diseases to humans, animals, and plants.

According to the form they are divided into cocci (round), rods and coiled bacteria.


According to the color using Gram’s determination method they are divided into Gram-positive and Gram-negative.

Gram-positive cocci:

  • staphylococci – pyococci;
  • streptococci – cause inflammatory purulent process to humans and animals

Gram-negative cocci:

  • meningococci (meningitis pathogens);
  • gonococci (gonorrhea pathogens);
  • pneumococci – (pneumonia pathogens);
  • rods (anthrax, diphtheria, tuberculosis, etc. pathogens).

About Antibiotics

Antibiotics – ( “anti” — against, “bios” — life) are medicaments for treating virulent disease. All of them are naturally occurring. They can destroy bacteria, prevent their growth and reproduction, dissolve bacteria. There are divided into narrow-spectrum (affect only gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria) and wide-spectrum (affect both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria).

For the successful treatment, it is necessary to choose drugs correctly:

  1. antibiotics;
  2. dosage of administration;
  3. method of administration;
  4. maintain their therapeutic concentration in the blood throughout the treatment course.

Antibiotics treatment course should be not less than 7-10 days (sometimes 5-day-course is acceptable), after the subsidence of disease symptoms the drug should be taken for 2-3 days. Canadian Health&Care Mall may supply you with all the necessary quantity of medicament’s for any disorder treatment online.

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Before antibiotics intake, it is advised to do an intradermal test to check if there is an allergic reaction to the drug.

Allergic Phenomena

Very often antibiotics cause allergic reactions. The higher medicament’s quality, the clearer from ballast substances it is, the rarer and weaker allergic reaction. That means that you should be attentive if rash, skin redness appears, even if no allergic reactions to medicament was observed before. In this case, you need to stop taking the drug; it is desirable to undertake detoxification measures (consider that you have intoxication – take adsorbents, drink more water). Inform your doctor immediately.

For allergy prevention doctors often prescribe together with antibiotics antiallergic medications (most often diazolin). Reasonability of such method is very controversial, but it is considered a tradition. If you want to know more information about allergy watch the video:


Many antibiotics are pluripotential, i. e. they destroy many kinds of microorganisms, including beneficial, thereby they disturb our internal microbial balance – gastrointestinal tract, endometrial (dysbacteriosis). Some bacteria resistant to antibiotics, begin to grow, which causes further infections. Fungi – yeast, and mold, grow more strongly, candidiasis appear. Staphylococci or Proteus can cause intestinal infections.

Dysbacteriosis’s symptoms (depending on microflora destruction degree) are indigestion from meteorism to continuous vomiting and malodorous diarrhea. When digestion is depressed, certain vitamins and amino acids are poorly absorbed. Usually, antibiotics are taken orally or injected. The blood carries drug molecules throughout the body, to all organs, heart, liver and so on. However, if it’s not a constitutional sepsis (infection), but pneumonia, angina, cystitis, respiratory tract diseases, it’s not necessary to spread the drug throughout the whole body, increase dosage so that the drug reached its therapeutic concentration in the area of inflammation.

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To prevent candidiasis, antibiotics are prescribed together with antifungal drugs (most often nystatin). Currently, online pharmacies like Canadian Health&Care Mall offer a wide range of drugs that regulate intestinal microflora – the so-called probiotics. Their intake of dysbacteriosis prevention or treatment combined with antibiotics brings startling results.

Bacterial Resistance

The problem of microorganisms’ resistance to drugs is the most important for medicine. Virulent diseases become more and more difficult to treat. Bacteria adapt, mutate, produce new ferments that destroy antibiotics. Infections are turning into a smoldering, chronic process. Every year scientists offer new synthetic modifications, combinations of different antibiotics, medicaments are enriched with substances that depress bacteria ferments and increase the stability of drugs.