Main Aspects about ED

Erectile dysfunction is the fact when one man can’t perform sexual intercourse. In other words, it is an impossibility to reach and maintain an erection which is sufficient for sexual intercourse during the time of all act. It is one of the most common sexual dysfunction for men, the main problem of the strong half of our society nowadays.

We can distinguish two types of dysfunction, primary and secondary erectile dysfunctions. Primary, also called congenital dysfunction is characterized as a situation when one man can’t make intercourse throughout the life. It is a really rare phenomenon. A secondary variant is the most spread variant when in the sexual life of man everything was good, but in one moment some obstacles occurred with an erection.

In many cases, men complain the poor erection, which does not permit having long intercourse. But sometimes, there is a very strong erection. But when one man tries to intimacy with the woman, sexual desire rapidly disappears.

How does an Erection Work?

In healthy conditions, under the influence of pulses by the central nervous system, the relaxation takes place in penile vascular walls and as a result, blood quickly fills the penis. Arteries increase in their volume than squeeze small vessels, which irritate the blood into the veins. Blood flow dramatically reduced and provides an erection as a result of sexual arousal.

Main Reasons for Erectile Dysfunction

Among the causes that result to erectile dysfunction, physicians distinguish some different cases.

There are many reasons, but the main perpetrators of the decreased potency may be atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension, tobacco dependence and alcohol addiction. In these circumstances, there are changes in the blood veins of the body, which effect on the walls of arteries. As a result, they lose the flexibility and elasticity and become brittle and fragile, and they are one of the most common reasons of impotence.
How an erection works?

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The Classification of Reasons:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, etc.;
  • Endocrine disorders like the insufficient production of the sex hormone testosterone and so on;
  • Urologic pathology, for example, congenital malformations of genital organs, etc.;
  • Neurological disorders, depression, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, trauma and surgery of the brain and spinal cord, pelvis and perineum abd so on;
  • Some adverse effects of drugs addiction.

According to official researches, after 40 years more than 39 percent of strong half of mankind was suffered by various disorders of potency and after 50 years almost 69 percent of men joined to them.

But we have some examples when it also happens with young men, with young part of the stronger sex, which have different problems in the sexual sphere. Most in all cases it occurs because of fatigue, physical illness or psychological problems. If the problem with erection is of psychogenic nature, therapy may include consulting a doctor and physiotherapy techniques.

Potency after 50 years

Tests for Erectile Dysfunction

  • Therapy of the illness caused by organic disturbances starts with their rectification. Checking before this typically involves:
  • Analysis for hormone levels;
  • Analysis of sugar level in the blood;
  • ECG in stress and in rest;
  • The lipid profile which includes triglycerides, total cholesterol, and so on.
  • Tests of blood vessels of the penis and / or prostate gland.

If test results differ from acceptable standards, the hormone replacement therapy will come to the help to normalize not only the potency, but also heart work pressure, weight, blood indicators.

But you must understand that only a specialist can set such medication and modern preparations which improve the potency.

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How Can You Prevent Erectile Dysfunction?

To protect yourself from the erectile dysfunction you must:

  • Move more and be physically active, because of motion you can escape from vascular disturbances;
  • Limit the alcohol consumption, tobacco addiction and other drugs;
  • Check the blood pressure and cholesterol level;
  • Establish a regular sex life without extended periods of retention.